As Out of School Care can be a messy place, your child should be dressed in clothes that can get paint, glue, dirt, etc. on them. The clothes should allow your child to move freely and comfortably. We want children to have the freedom to explore and create. If your child wears flip flops to school, please ensure they have a pair of running shoes with them as well.
In our past experiences we have found that children need appropriate footwear to enable them to safely experience all of the playground equipment. Therefore, we ask that you do not send your child to school with open toed shoes or high-heeled boots.
It has also been found that children’s body temperatures fluctuate throughout the day depending on the amount of physical activity they are doing. We ask that you send your child to school with layers of clothing so that they can add or remove as they feel is necessary to enable them to feel comfortable. We also ask that you dress your child accordingly to meet the weather outside.
Finally, we ask that All items be clearly marked with the child’s name especially boots, shoes, coats, and change of clothes.
Play Dates
If your child has arranged a Play Date after school on a day in which they normally attend C&S Child Care and we were NOT notified by you, the parent(s), directly (minimum 30 min before school lets out) we will ask that the child come to the centre and wait while we contact their parent(s) to confirm such arrangement.
Students from local schools or colleges may come as a learning experience or to observe a program if they are taking a child related study program. Observations for specific children will not be permitted without signed consent form the parent prior to the observation. Parents will also be informed of any visitors prior to their arrival.
Items from Home
We ask that children refrain from bringing toys or electronic equipment from home unless it is necessary (such as communication devices). Items from home can get lost, broken or soiled. It may also cause issues around sharing and ownership. If you do choose to send toys or games from home with you child, C&S will not be responsible if they get broken, lost or stolen. Thank you for your cooperation.
Field Trips
Field trips will be part of the Out of School Care Program. We believe it is beneficial for children to participate in excursions to provide contact with many different experiences and with people in our community. You will be given ample notice of any field trips we have planned.
If your child has to be picked up early for an appointment on a field trip day, you may be asked to pick them up from the site destination. Children will travel either by transit or will walk to local attractions.
Water & Snack
Due to the many serious allergies associated with Peanuts we want to stress that we are a “nut restricted zone”.
Please send your child with a well-labeled cup or bottle and we will provide water we are a “water only zone”.
We ask that snack items be nutritious and that treats be limited or not sent at all.
From time to time we will need you to participate in fundraising activities for various reasons. You will be given ample notice of the event of activity used to raise the funds. You will either be given a choice to participate in the event/activity or donate by way of cheque if you do not wish to participate or have the time to volunteer ie: Frozen Food Fundraiser, or Food Drive.
We know that every child’s birthday is a special day for them and for you. If you wish to send something along for your child to share with his/her peers in OSC we ask that you make it nut free and bring enough for everyone to share. Cookies or cupcakes are preferable as they are easy to distribute and easy to clean up. Please also send along paper plates.
Communication and Contact Information
If your child is going to be away for any reason, please call 604-946-4060 to inform us. Please do not rely on the school to let us know. Communication is mostly done through e-mail ([email protected]). Please ensure that we have your current information up to date as well, so if your work number or cell phone number changes please notify us immediately.